Tuesday, September 30, 2008

print v online

The New York times print article versus online article (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/29/business/29bill.html?ex=1380427200&en=933b094dee82628a&ei=5124).

The articles are both written exactly the same and have the same amount of words. However, they are presented in different contexts. The print version starts on the front page with the headline above the fold and then continues on A15. On the other hand, the print version is presented in its entirety on one page. The online article allows you to on certain words or phrases in the article such as Federal Reserve or Henry M. Paulson Jr. which redirects you to a definition or small biography. Neither version of the article is accompanied by pictures.

McCain and Obama mudslinging ads

The 2008 election has been full of each presidential candidate making harsh accusations about the other. The television campaign ads have been called into question by both sides.
The Huffington Post headline read, “Gutter Politics: McCain Campaign Called Out For Half-Truths” in response to one of McCain’s ads against Obama. In the add in question, the McCain ad said Obama agreed to teaching kindergarteners about sex education.

Obama responded, “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack.”
This is just one example of the half-truths that have been spun in ads this far. Obama did the same in his most recent ad as well. In the ad, he portrays McCain as old and out of touch but doesn’t mention that the Arizona Senator’s war injuries are what actually prevent him from using computers for an extended period.

Obama’s own running-mate Joe Biden said, “making fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer, I thought that was terrible.”
Biden said if he had known about it they wouldn’t have done it. However, he did go on to say he did not believe the ad was intentionally personal and was not nearly as bad as the McCain ads.
Obama’s most recent ad defends himself from accusations made by McCain and point the “sleaziness” and “half-truths” by McCain as the only negative parts.
Nonetheless, with so much name calling already, the 2008 election has taken on a very negative vibe and it will be interesting to see if new ads continue to go in the same direction or try to take on a more positive light.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

FoxNews.com rolls with Strategy Room


I found lostremotes.com's article on "FoxNews.com rolls with Strategy Room" very interesting. The article talks about foxNews' new online strategy room experiment which is a nine hour show instead of usual half hour. The just talk politics on the show and don't waste time with graphics and videos. Also, since it's a longer format I would assume they are able to delve deeper into certain topics rather then just giving the same general things you hear on every channel. However, this probably wouldn't be the the best show to watch for a quick synopsis of what is going on. Nonetheless, the next time I have a few hours to watch the news, I think I would liketo check this out.

Quinnipiac Polls Show Palin helping McCain in Swing States

The Quinnipiac Polling Institute is famous for its accurate and thorough surveys. The New York Post selected the Quinnipiac poll a winner for the most accurate prediction on the Schumer-D'Amato Senate race in 1998. The polls results are featured regularly in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and on national network news broadcasts.

With a presidential election just a few months away, the Polling Institute has provided many surveys gauging which way the election will go. Two recent surveys show Vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin giving McCain a boost in several key swing states since being named as his running-mate.

The polls shows Palin giving McCain a two to three point boost in the states of Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Michigan. While, in Minnesota and Wisconsin she has given him a huge 12 and six point boosts respectively. Obama still maintains a slight lead in all of these states with the exception of Florida. The polls found the main reason for Obama’s lead is the demand for change.

Despite the gains from McCain, Peter Brown, Assistant Director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, still gives an edge to the democratic ticket.

“With a lousy economy, an unpopular war and an even less Republican president, it’s difficult to find voters who don’t want change.”

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Interactive Narratives

I find the interactive narratives (http://www.interactivenarratives.org/) a very interesting website. The website has a bunch of articles from different websites. They provide you with the headline and a small blurb allowing you to know what the article is about. if the article peeks your interest you can click on the link and it redirects you to the whole article on whatever webpage it came from. I think this is a good idea because the website provides you with a bunch of interesting articles from a variety of sources.

The Democratic Ticket

Democratic Ticket
Senator Barack Obama’s selection of Senator Joseph Biden, like McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin, allows for the candidates to compliment one another issues where they do not see eye to eye and appeal to more voters.

Iraq War

Barack Obama has made withdrawing troops from Iraq with a timetable one of the main focal points of his campaign. He is against sending any additional troops to Iraq. He does not believe in the United States having a long term presence in Iraq.
Joe Biden supports a timetable for U.S. troops leaving Iraq. He has and continues to disprove any idea of sending in additional troops. He supports the United States having a long-term presence in Iraq.

Gun Rights
Obama supports restrictions on access to firearms. He strongly supports a ban on assault weapons and is a board member of the Joyce Foundation. The foundation helps serve gun control organizations in the U.S.
Biden wants to keep the assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole. Otherwise Biden seems to support keeping the status quo on gun control. However, the National Rifle Association gave Biden an F on pro-gun right policies.

Barack Obama believes in a women’s right to choose and supports Roe v Wade. However, he says he does believe states can properly restrict late-term abortions as long as there is a provision protecting the mother. Admits he is unsure when life begins.
Joe Biden believes allowing women to choose but is against federal funding claiming it would impose a view. He supports partial-birth abortion ban but is not against overturning Roe v Wade. Biden believes life occurs at conception.

Gay Marriage
Obama opposes gay marriage but is a strong supporter of civil unions. And would like to extend federal rights and benefits to same sex couples.
Biden believes civil unions are ok feeling government has to prevent all discrimination. He is against gay marriage arguing the government should not be able to dictate religious views but goes on to say it is probably inevitable.

Global Warming
Barack Obama believes humans play a significant role in the cause of global warming.
Joe Biden is a strong believer human pollution is a significant cause of a global warming.

Drilling for Oil
Barack Obama is strongly against drilling for oil in the United States. He believes in funding searches for alternative methods of fuel.
Joe Biden strongly opposes drilling for oil domestically. He believes in investing in alternative forms of fuel.

Obama’s selection of Joe Biden as his vice-presidential candidate can help squash some of the concerns voters have of him. NPR columnist Jennifer Ludden says Biden complements Obama on foreign policy experience, knowledge of the inner workings of Washington, and an appeal to working-class voters- all criticism the McCain camp have hurled at the presidential nominee. However, Ludden does mention Biden sometimes sticks his foot in his mouth.

These are links of sites where information for this entry where obtained

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Republican Ticket's Ideology

When choosing a running-mate for the Presidential ticket, candidates are careful to choose someone who aligns with them ideologically, but someone who will also help compliment them and bring in another demographic of voters towards their camp. This will lead to some different stances on issues.

Republican Ticket: John McCain and Sarah Palin
(Presidential Nominee) (Vice-Presidential Nominee)

Iraq War: McCain has always been a strong advocate of the war. He believes the United States cannot leave Iraq until the government there is stabile
Palin has not had to comment on the Iraq War until recently but since coming to the spotlight has supported McCain’s views. Her son is in the military and will be heading to the war.
Gun Rights: McCain has recently said he completely supports no gun control but has in the past has supported bills limiting gun rights
Palin has completely been for gun rights her entire tenure in politics and is even a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association)
Abortion: McCain has always voted pro-life. However, he has said he believes there should be exceptions (rape, incest). He has come out and stated he will look to appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade
Palin is pro-life and would like to see abortion ended. Her 17-year old daughter is pregnant and will keep the baby.
Gay Marriage: McCain supports marriage between a man and women. However, he does not rule out that possibility of allowing others to have some sort of legal agreement.
Palin is for marriage only being allowed between a man and a women though she says she has gay friends and is sympathetic to concerns over discrimination.
Global Warming: McCain has acknowledged global warming exist and believes man has helped to worsen the problem.
Palin believes global warming is not man made and has even asked polar bears to be taken off the endangered species list.
Drilling for Oil: McCain is not an advocate of drilling for oil though recently has admitted he would do so if elected though he has reservations about it.
Palin has been a long time supporter of drilling for oil in Alaska. She said her and McCain have agreed to disagree on the value of drilling for oil.

McCain’s selection of Palin helps to secure confidence of Republican voters leery of his position on some of the aforementioned issues. She also helps to bring women voters, especially Hilary Clinton supporters dissatisfied with Obama, to the Republican side. Palin is also considered religious something important to many Republican voters whil McCain is considered much moderate. Also, at forty-four, Palin helps bring youth to the campaign of the seventy-two year old McCain. Finally, Palin fits the mold of McCain’s maverick/ reformer identity as she has been against and stopped corruption as Governor of Alaska.

These are links of sites where information for this entry where obtained

Thursday, September 4, 2008


This is a big article as it is the first scandal to hit Palin in her short tenure in the public eye. It's very interesting how Palin's daughter is pregnant considering how Republicans are conservative. However, with Palin's daughter keeping the baby this may help keep Republicans happy as they are pro-life.


This is a good article for those who do not know too much about Senator Obama's running mate. It also gives a look into why Obama chose Biden. The article also discusses how the news broke and how the Obama campaign chose to leak the information to the media.


I think this is a good article as it talks about the attention being drawn to the Republican ticket thanks to the Governor Sarah Palin's nomination as John McCain's running-mate. It now only discusses the ratings she brought with her speech but also makes mention of how well she spoke which could be something to watch for as thus far Obama has proven to be a much better orator than any of the potential candidates for president or vice president.