Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Republican Ticket's Ideology

When choosing a running-mate for the Presidential ticket, candidates are careful to choose someone who aligns with them ideologically, but someone who will also help compliment them and bring in another demographic of voters towards their camp. This will lead to some different stances on issues.

Republican Ticket: John McCain and Sarah Palin
(Presidential Nominee) (Vice-Presidential Nominee)

Iraq War: McCain has always been a strong advocate of the war. He believes the United States cannot leave Iraq until the government there is stabile
Palin has not had to comment on the Iraq War until recently but since coming to the spotlight has supported McCain’s views. Her son is in the military and will be heading to the war.
Gun Rights: McCain has recently said he completely supports no gun control but has in the past has supported bills limiting gun rights
Palin has completely been for gun rights her entire tenure in politics and is even a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association)
Abortion: McCain has always voted pro-life. However, he has said he believes there should be exceptions (rape, incest). He has come out and stated he will look to appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade
Palin is pro-life and would like to see abortion ended. Her 17-year old daughter is pregnant and will keep the baby.
Gay Marriage: McCain supports marriage between a man and women. However, he does not rule out that possibility of allowing others to have some sort of legal agreement.
Palin is for marriage only being allowed between a man and a women though she says she has gay friends and is sympathetic to concerns over discrimination.
Global Warming: McCain has acknowledged global warming exist and believes man has helped to worsen the problem.
Palin believes global warming is not man made and has even asked polar bears to be taken off the endangered species list.
Drilling for Oil: McCain is not an advocate of drilling for oil though recently has admitted he would do so if elected though he has reservations about it.
Palin has been a long time supporter of drilling for oil in Alaska. She said her and McCain have agreed to disagree on the value of drilling for oil.

McCain’s selection of Palin helps to secure confidence of Republican voters leery of his position on some of the aforementioned issues. She also helps to bring women voters, especially Hilary Clinton supporters dissatisfied with Obama, to the Republican side. Palin is also considered religious something important to many Republican voters whil McCain is considered much moderate. Also, at forty-four, Palin helps bring youth to the campaign of the seventy-two year old McCain. Finally, Palin fits the mold of McCain’s maverick/ reformer identity as she has been against and stopped corruption as Governor of Alaska.

These are links of sites where information for this entry where obtained

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